Manifesting your dreams in menopause teacher, Julie Ann Garrido, crouches on beach by words ‘manifestation’ written in sand

Manifesting your dreams in menopause 

In the throes of menopause, it’s impossible to focus on anything else but symptoms and getting back to your normal self. Sadly, your dreams take a back seat.

However, as the last chapter of your life looms, now’s the time to start designing the life that you want most.

Ready to start manifesting your dreams in menopause?


Manifestation in Menopause

Has menopause turned your dreams into nightmares?

If you've found your way here, the chances are that menopause is scuppering the dreams you once had:

You long to follow your passion:

Your dreams of one day doing what you truly love are slowly dying.

You’ve no self-confidence:

 Menopause has eroded all your self-belief and you’ve given up on chasing your dreams.

What bucket list is that?

You still want to achieve so much but you’ve no idea where to start.

Manifesting your dreams starts here

We know how you feel, and we’re here to help. Just imagine if the following were true:

You have passion and purpose:

You have a career that you’re passionate about with financial wealth and freedom.

You look AMAZING with endless vitality:

You’ve got fire in your belly and nothing stands in your way.

Your dreams are coming true:

 Your Vision Board has come to life and your dreams are now becoming a reality.

Menopause is not the end, it’s the beginning of a new and exciting chapter and now’s the perfect time to make your dreams come true. But the question is: are YOU ready??  

Manifestation Masterclass

Unlock the power and magic within you

“I encourage everyone to do this manifestation masterclass. You won't regret it! If you want to envision the life you want and unlock the power and magic within you to achieve it and start living it, this is the course for you.”

~ Aoife H

My dreams are now coming true

“I completed Julie’s Masterclass some time ago and have been on a trajectory to my dream coming true ever since. The tools you will learn will make you think in ways you never have before, you will question your limiting beliefs, and even when the doubts will undoubtedly arise, you will be able to question them.”

~ Sue L

It helped me focus what I’d like the future to look like

“I’ve dedicated the last 20 years to supporting my children and family business. With more time on my hands I realised I’d lost my purpose. The manifestation course helped me focus on me and what I’d like the future to look like.”

~ Julie G

Meet Your Manifestation Coach 

Hi I’m Julie - unbeknown to me, my first experience of manifestation started at the age of 11 after my first ever trip to France which simply stole my heart. Immediately after, I told the world that one day I would live there in a beautiful big house with a swimming pool. I even carried a mental picture of that house with me for the next 45 years! 

I didn't know how, and I didn't know when this would happen, but that never stopped me from making my dreams come true. In fact, it fanned the flames more. Suffice to say, I now live in Northern France in my dream home, and yes, I’m living my dream life. 

Over the years, I realised that I was repeating the same patterns of beliefs and practices, and they worked! Combined with my yoga teaching background, I became drawn to the laws of attraction, and realised that all along I had been tapping into the power of manifestation. 

Julie Ann Garrido, teacher of manifesting your dreams in menopause, sits serene in meditation pose wearing yoga clothes

Today, I’m passionate about helping women turn their lives around in menopause and I created this Masterclass so that you too can start manifesting your dreams, unlock your true potential, and live the life you deserve.

PS No, I'm not whacky, nor am I a clairvoyant. I'm a regular person who knows what it takes to turn their dreams into reality.

Buy Manifestation Masterclass
Woman seated accessing Yourself Yoga's Manifestation masterclass on digital device

How to start manifesting your dreams

Tap into the power of manifestation with these 3 simple videos that can be access any time from wherever you are:

Video 1: Manifestation Uncovered:

✨ Discover the simplicity of manifestation and how to make your dreams come true

✨ Understand that the universe does NOT work it mysterious ways, it’s easy peasy!

✨ Discover why manifestation matters most in menopause


Video 2: Manifestation Toolbox

 Learn how to overcome your self-limiting beliefs

✨ Know how to remove roadblocks on your journey to get better results

✨ Understand how to maintain belief when the results aren’t happening


Video 3: What’s stopping you?

✨ Uncover a range of practical techniques to help in manifesting your dreams

✨ Learn how to trust the universe to help you make your dreams a reality


Also included are: 

✨ Worksheets for each module

✨ Online access to all material 

✨ Access all materials via Kajabi app  


Ready to create manifestation magic?

Buy Masterclass

Still not sure if this mindset masterclass is for you?

We understand. It can be hard to see how 3 videos can help you make your dreams come true. But this masterclass is perfect for you if:

✅ You’re feeling stuck in your job, or in a relationship, or in life in general

✅ Your hopes and dreams are dwindling as menopause erodes your confidence

✅ You harbour dreams but have no idea how to make them come true

✅ You have a hobby, talent or lifestyle that you would love to pursue but don't have the time or resources to get started

✅ You have a bucket list of places to visit and things to achieve but don't know how to make them happen

✅ You’re curious about manifestation and want to know if it will work for you

✅ You’ve already started manifesting but the magic just isn’t happening


  Self-limiting beliefs, and menopausal anxiety, combined with a lack of understanding of how the universe and the laws of attraction work, can stop you from manifesting your dreams.

However, I’m here to show you that it can be done!


“Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.”

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

I feel I have gotten my life back on track

“I’d dabbled in manifestation a few years ago and just never got the gist of it. After completing Julie’s masterclass, I feel I have gotten my life back on track. I’m investigating positive things I’d never really thought about before I did the masterclass, but they all feel really important now and for my future self.”

~ Katrina M.

It allowed me space to think about what I wanted

“This masterclass allowed me the time and space to think about what I wanted and needed moving forward.

~ Melanie B

It gave my self-belief

“Doing the manifestation masterclass opened my eyes and my self-belief in me. I have gone from simply existing to now carving out a life and a schedule just for me. I am now a member of a campaign group, a community group, and I go to art class where I’ve rediscovered my enjoyment in craft.”

~ Joy P.

Frequently Asked Questions

We’re passionate about helping women like you to start manifesting your dreams during menopause, but naturally you may have some unanswered questions. Explore our FAQ’s below to discover why this masterclass could change your life.


Manifestation Masterclass



  • 3 x 40 minute videos

         - Manifestation Uncovered

         - Manifestation Toolnox

         - What's Stopping You?

  •  Worksheets for every module 

  • Unlimited online access to all material 

  • Access all materials via the Kajabi app
Close up of female hands holding and pointing to Yourself Yoga's Manifestation Masterclass

“The only thing that’s stopping you from manifesting your dreams is YOU. By overcoming your self-limiting beliefs and trusting the process, the universe will pay you handsomely.”

~ Julie Ann Garrido