
 Rediscover yourself at a menopause wellness retreat

We understand the struggles that come with maintaining health during menopause, which is why we provide a variety of wellness retreats for you to fully immerse yourself in a world of wellbeing. Not only will you experience a happier and healthier menopausal, you will also reconnect with your true self.

However, be prepared for life to never quite feel the same again. Your quest for an fulfilling experience will reach new heights once you embark on one of our retreats. 

Julie Ann Garrido seated on yoga mat outdoors teaching at menopause wellness retreat to women lying down on mats
 Julie Ann Garrido pictured centre leading a group of ladies on a country walk at one of her Menopause Wellness Retreats
Pool and seating area at Julie Ann Garrido's menopause wellness retreat in The Algarve 2023
group of women with hands in prayer enjoy yoga by the ocean at Yourself Yoga’s Menopause Wellness Retreat, Portugal ‘23

Ready to embark on a menopause wellness retreat?

Reserve your spot now 

If our retreats are sold out, or if you can't find one you can attend, join the waitlist and be the first to know about our upcoming menopause wellness retreats in the UK and overseas.

Venue for Julie Ann Garrido's menopause wellness day retreat in Telford Shropshire
Explore Day Retreats
Four middle aged women outdoors all laughing wearing yoga clothes and carrying yoga mates
Explore Residential Retreats

What is a menopause wellness retreat?

Whether it's a day retreat in the UK or a residential retreat at one of our Escape to España retreats, our menopause wellness retreats are exclusively for women at this transformative stage of life. They offer a sanctuary away from the demands of menopause and daily life, and an ideal space to connect with like-minded women also on the same journey. The experience is unique and one that brings special memories and friendships.


What will I learn at a menopause wellness retreat?

These are so much more than just a yoga retreat. You'll also enjoy meditation and journaling, sound baths, indoor and outdoor group activities, and menopause workshops that are all tailored to help you navigate menopause.

This experience not only elevates your wellbeing during your stay, but also equips you with the knowledge and confidence to continue your journey to good health when you return home. You'll leave with valuable tools for a more fulfilling menopause and life.


Will a menopause wellness retreat help my symptoms?

We understand the importance of symptom monitoring, and that's why we encourage participants to track their menopause symptoms at the beginning and end of a residential retreat. That’s because profound changes can occur in just a few days. Participants typically leave our retreats feeling rejuvenated, brimming with positivity, and equipped with a fresh perspective on their menopause journey and life in general.


What results can I expect from a menopause wellness retreat?

Prepare to be amazed by the amazing transformative power of our retreats. Whether it's a day retreat or a residential retreat, you'll find it impossible not to feel uplifted after your experience and ready to make profound and lasting changes. Additionally, many ladies forge deep connections with each other during the retreat, with acquaintances often blossoming into special friendships.

I left feeling elated and happy

"I arrived feeling nervous, would I be able to manage 5 days, would my body cope? I left feeling elated and happy and learned the I can trust my body. I am getting stronger and I am in love with yoga." 

~ Michelle B

Much more than I expected

"The retreat was so much more than I ever thought it would be. Amazing to meet you Julie after being on my TV for the last 10 months! I loved meeting everyone and had an absolute blast. Bring on the next one!"

~ Katrina M

Memories and special friends

"Loved every single minute of the retreat. There are no words to describe the experience. I made wonderful memories and special friends, and took away so much that I learned about myself. Thank you Julie.  

~ Kirsten B

 The outdoor pool at Julie Ann Garrido teaching yoga to women in a studio Menopause Wellness Retreats in Spain 2024
Julie Ann Garrido teaching yoga to women in a studio at one of her UK Menopause Wellness Retreats
Women seated at an outdoor table at one of Julie Ann Garrido's Menopause Wellness Retreats all raising a glass looking happy
Julie Ann Garrido teaching yoga to women in a studio at one of her Menopause Wellness Retreats in The Algarve

 "It's the one of happiest and most satisfying feelings when I see all the relaxed and smiling faces at the end of my wellness retreats. I call it a job well done!"

 ~ Julie Ann Garrido