Rate your wellbeing with our FREE menopause quiz 

Are you experiencing the challenging symptoms of menopause? Are you interested in a natural approach to menopause as either an alternative to Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) or as an accompaniment to it?

If so, score your health in menopause with our FREE menopause quiz and receive personal recommendations to begin your journey back to wellness.

Start Menopause Quiz

What's your health score in menopause? 

Menopause marks an transformative period in your life bringing about a myriad of physical, emotional challenges and mental challenges, fluctuations in mood, prompting you to consider how best to navigate this new new chapter of your life. To help you achieve wellbeing in menopause we encourage you to participate in our FREE Menopause Quiz.

In less than 5 minutes, this simple quiz will provide valuable insights into four key aspects of your wellbeing during menopause:

🍃 Physical Wellbeing

Understand how your body is adapting to the changes associated with menopause. Explore your symptoms. Discover ways to address them without medications.

🍃 Mental Wellbeing

Gain an understanding of your mindset in menopause, from mood swings to cognitive shifts. Learn simple and powerful steps to maintain mental clarity and emotional balance.

🍃 Emotional Wellbeing

Navigate through the landscape of menopause can encompass stress, anxiety and mood variations. Explore the emotional effects of menopause, including stress, anxiety, and mood fluctuations. proven techniques to nurture your wellbeing and resilience.

🍃 Your Vision for Menopause

Share your aspirations and goals for this phase of life and beyond. We'll provide guidance on aligning your vision with practical steps to make it a reality.

Yourself Yoga's FREE Menopause Quiz shows 3 dials that represents possible wellbeing scores in menopause

Why Should You Consider Taking the Menopause Quiz?

✅ It's completely free and only takes a few minutes of your time 

✅ Get personalised insights that tailored to your own menopause journey 

✅ Discover holistic practices to enhance your well being 

✅ Explore alternative approaches to HRT that may better align with your needs

✅ Equip yourself with knowledge to help you make informed choices

✅ Embark on a path towards an happier and healthier menopause menopause 

What more reason do you need?

Plenty of advice and ideas

“The Menopause Quiz is very informative, and the answers section gave me plenty of advice and ideas where I could easily look for help without getting overwhelmed.”

~ Sue L

Clear and concise

“The layout of the quiz is clear and concise and 3 options for answers makes it easier. I liked the way that it gave an array of options to improve my score further.”

~ Sarah K

Breaks menopause down

“The quiz is great because it pins down the small effects that normally build into one big feeling of despair. By breaking menopause down into tiny pieces, it’s easier to tackle.”

~ Louise C

Ready to begin the Menopause Quiz?

 Don't allow your menopausal symptoms to stop you from living your best life. Seize the opportunity to start navigating  through your experience with greater ease. Simply click on the "Start Now button to begin your complimentary wellbeing assessment.