

the natural way to beat symptoms


Tired of battling joint pain, hot flashes, and poor sleep? 

Feeling emotionally drained? Lost your zest for life?

At Yourself Yoga, we help women like you reduce your symptoms with menopause yoga and other holistic practices so that you can start LIVING YOUR LIFE TO THE FULL. 

Ready to discover your wellbeing in menopause? 

Take our FREE Menopause Quiz


The natural way to beat symptoms

Tired of battling physical symptoms such as joint pain, hot flashes, and poor sleep? 

Struggling with brain fog and anxiety? Feeling emotionally drained? Lost your zest for life?

We help women like you reduce your symptoms and improve your wellbeing with menopause yoga and other holistic practices, so that you can start LIVING YOUR LIFE TO THE FULL.

Take our FREE Menopause Wellbeing Check

Are you fed up and overwhelmed with horrible perimenopause symptoms?

If you’re like most menopausal women who arrive here, you’re probably struggling with the following:

Battling physical symptoms:

From menopause hot flashes, night sweats and menopause joint pain to digestive problems, fatigue, and menopause and sleep issues you feel tired, overweight, out of shape, and unattractive.

Struggling with brain fog/anxiety:

From lack of concentration and forgetfulness to menopause anxiety and overwhelm, your confidence is slowly ebbing away. You feel frustrated and misunderstood, with fear and worry taking over.

Feeling emotionally drained:

From mood swings and a negative mindset to irrational anger and being oversensitive, menopause is draining your emotional tank, and you're feeling constantly low.

Menopause Yoga teacher Julie Ann Garrido sitting on a rock on a deserted beach reading a book

A life free from menopause symptoms is possible

At Yourself Yoga & Wellbeing, we help women like you master your horrible perimenopause symptoms so that you can feel:

Fit & flexible:

You have bags of energy, you look and feel great, and you’re brimming with confidence.

Calm and in control:

You have mental calm and clarity and are eager to embrace all the opportunities that come your way.

Emotionally stable:

Your mindset is positive and life’s irritations are just like water off a duck’s back.

 Just imagine if you too could master your symptoms and discover wellbeing in menopause - how much better would your life become?

Start our Menopause Quiz
Founder of Yourself Yoga Julie Ann Garrido sits in yoga pose on a cushioned window seat looking happy with trees behind

I’m Julie Ann Garrido

If your symptoms are getting the better of you and you want to embrace a natural menopause, you’ve come to the right place.

I understand where you’re at because I’ve been there too. I suffered from endless menopause symptoms that included:

  • Crippling joint pain & hot flashes
  • Anxiety & overwhelm
  • Severe fatigue & low mood
  • Brain fog & forgetfulness

For several years, it felt like I was on a rollercoaster that wouldn’t stop leaving me emotionally drained. The person I used to be was just a distant memory. That was until I reached the age of 53 when I was introduced to yoga.

I know it's hard to believe - I was a yoga sceptic too.

After a great deal of reluctance, I rolled out a yoga mat for the very first time, and by the end of that first session, I was blown away by how much better I felt. I'd finally discovered the holistic solution I'd been searching for.

After regularly practising short bursts of yoga at home, I noticed that many of my symptoms were vanishing. I had more energy, I slept better, my confidence returned, I felt more in control, and best of all, I no longer hobbled around with joint pain.

The same can happen to you too and you don’t have to believe in miracles. 

Thanks to menopause yoga and other holistic practices, you too can live a symptom-free life and go from surviving to truly thriving. Welcome to a life of vitality and wellbeing!

Julie Ann Garrido

Read more about Julie's menopause journey

You have changed my life

“Julie has enabled me to feel empowered to challenge and change my self-beliefs and now in my mid-50s, I feel confident to break free of those burdens and seek new opportunities, and adventures, have fun and believe in myself. Julie, you are such an inspirational mentor, not only have you helped to change my life but the lives of hundreds of women.”

~ Kirsten B

Talking to Julie is like reaching out to a friend

“Since I started practising yoga with Julie, my life has improved so much. Yoga physically makes me stronger, and understanding my body through Julie’s teaching helps me know what it needs. Julie has shown me how to challenge negative thoughts and replace them with positive mantras. Talking to Julie is like reaching out to a friend.”

~ Louise C

I wouldn't be where I am today without Julie's guidance

“Julie's My Yoga Journey membership, her workshops, classes and her online coaching have given me all the tools I need to stay centred and grounded through life's ups and downs during this phase of life. I wouldn't be where I am today without her support and guidance!”

~ Kris M

3 steps to beating menopause symptoms 

Female hand holding mobile phone accessing menopause yoga classes with the other hand
1. Find out your wellbeing score

Take 5 minutes to complete our specially designed "Menopause Quiz". Understand the symptoms you’re experiencing and where you stand on your menopause journey. The first step is to understand your starting point.

Middle aged female sitting with laptop on knee enjoying an online menopause consultation with Yourself Yoga
2. Receive results & recommendations

Receive your score and personalised results mapped against your symptoms and experiences. This will provide insights into your menopause journey and the best ways to navigate it. A custom plan for success tailored just for you.

Middle aged female standing on top of a mountain with arms outstretched welcoming the early morning dawn
3. Enjoy wellbeing in menopause

Now it's time to take action. Based on your results, begin your journey towards improved wellbeing. Use the recommendations to reconnect with your body, nurture your mind, and restore balance. Enjoy wellbeing.

3 steps towards a better, more informed, and empowered you.

Start Menopause Quiz

It’s time to go from surviving to THRIVING


Menopause can feel like you're climbing an uphill battle – complete with physical issues, emotional changes, and bouts of brain fog and anxiety. You want to reclaim your vitality, and you want to do so as naturally as possible. Trust us, we understand and we’re here to help. 

Rest assured, you're not alone on this path, and we've got a plan!

Let us be your guiding light through the maze of menopause. We offer effective menopause yoga and other holistic solutions that are all carefully curated around your needs so that your journey becomes more simple and liberating than you might have envisioned.

To get you started, read out blog 'Feeling lost in menopause? Discover 5 smart ways to help you find yourself again'.


At Yourself Yoga & Wellbeing, we’re passionate about menopause yoga and holistic wellbeing during menopause, but naturally, you may have some unanswered questions.

Explore our FAQs to discover how you can embrace this empowering journey with confidence and vitality.


Why choose Yourself Yoga & Wellbeing?

Well, let's look at the benefits:

âś… Experience a significant reduction in menopause symptoms

✅ Find a path to restore physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing

✅ Welcome transformational changes in both body and mind

✅ Receive constant guidance and support through your journey

✅ Revel in natural treatments devoid of side-effects


We understand change can be both exciting and intimidating. But if you're ready to give menopause yoga and holistic solutions a chance to embark on a path towards health, happiness, and fulfilment, we're here to support you every step of the way.


  How do we do it? Here's our secret, and it's as easy as 1-2-3:

Step 1.

You'll take our simple "Menopause Quiz". It's all about understanding where you’re currently at on your menopause journey. 

Step 2.

Based on your score, you'll receive personalised insights and learn more about your menopause journey and how best to navigate it.

Step 3.

Now’s the time to spring into action. Using our recommendations, you'll start to reconnect with your body, balance your mind, detoxify your life, and ignite the transformation you've been waiting for.


Start today and walk this journey with us by your side. We're here, and we're ready when you are.

Menopause Quiz

To discover which natural solutions will best help your symptoms, we invite you to take our FREE Menopause Quiz. In just under 5 minutes, this insightful quiz will unveil essential insights across four key dimensions of your menopause wellbeing – physical, mental, emotional, and future self - providing you with a personalised score and recommendations for your menopause journey.

Begin Menopause Quiz

Menopause yoga: your journey to wellbeing starts here 


Seeking a natural menopause can be overwhelming. The information is scattered, and it's exhausting to piece it all together. That's where we come in.

Working with us is straightforward. Our approach is anchored in years of experience and the success stories of women just like you.

At Yourself Yoga & Wellbeing, we recognise that no two menopause journeys are alike. Your experience is uniquely yours. That's why our menopause programmes that are meticulously designed to cater to your distinct needs and aspirations.


 Ready to embark on this transformative journey with us? 

Explore our diverse range of menopause programmes, each designed to illuminate your path toward a brighter, symptom-free future. If you're unsure which one is right for you, contact Yourself Yoga and we'd be happy to hep.

Middle aged woman standing on beach on a sunny day close to waves with her arms wide open
Transformation Programmes

Want to overhaul all aspects of your life, from nutrition and sleep to mindset and self-care? Want to master your menopause and become the person you’ve always wanted to be? Now you can with our series of transformation programmes.

Learn more
Menopause Yoga teacher Julie Ann Garrido practicing Downward Dog outdoors next to swimming pool with house in background
Menopause Yoga Memberships

When you immerse yourself in the magic of menopause yoga, you will watch your energy levels, fitness, flexibility, and confidence soar as your and menopause symptoms fade away. Better still, you will begin to rediscover the person you used to be.

Learn more
Close up of a female holding a tablet device and pointing to Yourself Yoga's online yoga classes
Menopause Masterclasses

If you’re struggling with negative thoughts and low self-esteem or are desperate to carve out the life you’ve always dreamed of but don’t know where to begin, our short menopause masterclasses will show you just how easy it can be.  

Learn more

Can’t imagine life without yoga

“Three retreats later (and one pending) plus a reunion weekend with fellow yogi’s met through My Yoga Journey, I think it’s safe to say that yoga is a huge part of my routine, and I can’t imagine life without it now.”

~ Rachel B

Stronger both physically and mentally

“The pain in my knees and hip is disappearing. My mindset is more positive, I feel stronger both physically and mentally, I’m proud of sticking with it when things got tough. I now know my self-worth and how to look after myself.”

~ Melanie J

I feel more like myself again

“I’m so glad I found Julie. I was stiff, crabby, anxious, and so tired all I wanted to do was sleep. Even with HRT I still had them. I now know how much yoga helps. All my symptoms have reduced, and I feel more like myself again.”

~ Katrina M

Improve your wellbeing with our Menopause Blog


🤔 Want a natural menopause but not sure where to start?

🤔 A yoga beginner and wonder where to begin menopause yoga?

🤔 Want to use menopause as a spring board make changes to your life?

🤔 Want to know how yoga can help your perimenopause symptoms?

🤔 Tempted by a menopause wellness retreat but not sure what to expect? 

Discover the answers to all these and so much more in our menopause blog below. Alternatively, contact Yourself Yoga and we'd be happy to help.

5 natural solutions to beat perimenopause fatigue

Jul 12, 2024

Why Menopause Yoga beats Regular Yoga at this stage of life

Jun 10, 2024

Empowering women: Bringing Menopause Yoga to YouTube

Check out our Menopause Blog

"The power of menopause yoga is undeniable.

When you practice with Yourself Yoga, you start to take back control." 

~ Julie Ann Garrido  

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