
The Menopause Transformation Challenge: 6-weeks to a new YOU

Starts Monday 17th June ‘24

Is menopause taking a toll on your wellbeing? Want to elevate your health and fitness but don’t know where to start? Tired of trying to do it by yourself without success?

Welcome to our Summer Menopause Transformation Challenge – a proven programme that will take your health and fitness levels to new heights IN JUST 6 WEEKS!

Join the Challenge
Menopause transformation specialist Julie Ann Garrido stands on beach rock in Find Yourself pose with arms out & straw hat in hand

Take one simple step to transformation

Watch this short video in which Julie outlines her unique approach to achieving transformation in menopause. 👇 

Bunch of daffodil flowers to symbolise Yourself Yoga's Spring Menopause Transformation Challenge
Woman's hands rolling out a yoga mat ready for Yourself Yoga's Menopause Transformation Challenge
Jars of fruit with wooden spoon, an important part of nutrition for menopause fitness
Silhouette of menopausal woman holding arms out to a morning sunrise welcoming personal transformation

The Menopause

 Transformation Challenge:

6-weeks to a new YOU

Starts Monday 17th June ‘24

Is menopause taking a toll on your wellbeing? Want to elevate your health and fitness but don’t know where to start? Tired of trying to do it by yourself without success?

Welcome to our Summer Menopause Transformation Challenge – a proven programme that will take your health and fitness levels to new heights IN JUST 6 WEEKS!

Discover Menopause Yoga

Is menopause transformation possible?  

‘I've tried everything and just can't get out of the rut I'm in.’

Sadly, we hear this over and over again, and if you're like other women, menopause transformation in just 6 weeks may sound totally impossible. That's probably because you're struggling with the following: 

Weight gain:

You're unhappy with your weight and are forever yo-yo dieting, yet the menopause weight gain stays and it's making you miserable. 

No exercise routine:

You long to look and feel healthy and fabulous, but you lack the energy or motivation to change. Your exercise routine keeps going by the wayside.

No self-care routine:

Your self-care ends up at the bottom of the pile as your days lack structure, you struggle to manage time, and end up taking care of everyone else's needs first.

No confidence:

You dislike your changing body shape and are starting to lose confidence. With low self-esteem, you no longer look forward to social situations.

Your Menopause Transformation awaits  

Feeling happy and healthy in just 6 weeks is totally possible.


That's because we fully understand the challenges you face and we're here to help you transform your health and fitness so that you can start to feel like this: 

Lean and clean:

You're starting to feel good inside & out as your new approach to menopause nutrition pays dividends. You're also oving your new clean eating regime.

Fit and flexible:

Exercise has become the highlight of your day, and you're positively glowing.You've bags more energy, and you're well on your way to touching your toes! 

You prioritise self-care

Your priority is now YOU. Your new self-care routine and daily habits are so ingrained you can't imagine a day without them. Plus, you've gained more time, too.

Bursting with confidence

Everyday irritations and challenges no longer get you down. You don't want this challenge to end! You're in the driving seat and excitedly looking to the future. 

 There's no better time than NOW to begin your menopause transformation and FIND YOURSELF.

Join the challenge

Meet your menopause transformation coach

"Hi, I'm Julie Ann Garrido, and I can totally relate to your struggles. For several years, I struggled with crippling menopause joint pain, hot flashes, and low mood. Plus, anxiety, fatigue, and brain fog simply took over my life. I had no guidance, and felt lost, lonely and helpless."

Menopause Transformation Challenge founder Julie Ann Garrido sits meditating outdoors in yoga clothes besides plants & pool

I no longer recognised the person I'd become.

"After trying endless supplements and treatments without success, I was then introduced to yoga for the first time aged 53. It was a total game changer and many of my symptoms started to disappear. 

"This motivated me to overhaul other areas of my life, too. I delved into nutrition and set in place new daily habits, switched my mindset and created a self-care routine that I still follow to this day. 

"I'd found myself again, but it had taken me years to get there.  

"I don’t want you to have to struggle like I did, which is why I created this menopause transformation challenge so you too will feel amazing after just 6 weeks."

 Ready for your menopause transformation this Summer?

Sign Me Up

I'm now pursuing one of my life-long goals

Julie has ignited a passion within me that I knew was there but could never reach. Since doing this programme, I have gone on to start my own business and pursue one of my life-long goals. Simply incredible and a must for anyone feeling stuck or lost.

~ Sue L

I now have an understanding of who I want to become

The programme has literally taken me on a journey of understanding where I want to be and who I want to become. Since it ended, I continue to be coached by Julie to help ensure I reach my goals.

~ Sarah K

I can’t remember the last time I felt this good – I feel the best in years!

Having the option to follow this programme in my own time was perfect for me and my hectic lifestyle. I can’t believe just how much I’ve learned in 6 weeks! I can’t remember the last time I felt this good – I feel the best in years!

~ Mary J

Woman on beach barefoot with white loose clothing with arms outstretched having discovered menopause transformation

What will the challenge include? 

✅  Access to 6 modules in our fully-guided Menopause Transformation programme that will guide you to better health. They include:

  • menopause nutrition
  • self-care
  • sleep
  • conquer stress and anxiety
  • mindset matters
  • your future self 

✅  Access to our best-selling online menopause yoga programme that gets proven RESULTS

✅  A Daily Habits Tracker to keep you on your toes with your new habits and routines:

  • movement
  • meditation
  • nutrition
  • journaling
  • affirmations
  • self-care

✅  A daily journal for your mental wellbeing

✅  A Menopause Symptom Tracker to monitor your wellbeing at the start and finish

✅  Weekly group coaching

 In addition, you’ll enjoy:

✅ Daily support from a menopause specialist

✅ Accountability and support in a private group

✅ Access to all content via an easy-to-use App

✅ Unlimited access to all content when the challenge has ended

Daily Habits Tracker

Keep track of your new daily habits and routines with our exclusive Daily Habits Tracker and watch the momentum towards menopause transformation gather pace.

Menopause Symptom Tracker

Watch your symptoms fade with our unique Menopause Symptom Tracker that will chart your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing during challenge.

Weekly Group Coaching

Enjoy group coaching with other like-minded women; reviewing your weekly learning and sharing your progress and experiences of the challenge.

Access menopause yoga 

Access our best-selling online yoga platform, and enjoy menopause yoga, meditations, challenges and more from any of your digital devices.

Ive lost 11lbs in weight!

“I feel stronger both physically and mentally, and I know my own self-worth and how important it is to look after myself. I am eating well and have taken a break from alcohol and as a result, I have lost 11lbs in weight!”

~ Melanie B

 It changed my life

“I was a wreck mentally and physically. I often revisit the programme as it changed my life. Julie explains everything so well and always supports you. She has a way of helping you understand what is happening and how to deal with it in so many ways. Think of you and treat yourself.”

~Suzanne M

I feel wonderful and on track with my life

“The programme is easy to navigate and understand. I feel wonderful and on track with my life. I feel stronger and have less joint pain, and with how good my body feels, I now have the motivation to continue.”

~ Shannon

Ready to say hello to the new YOU?

Begin your Transformation

How Will I Feel After 6 Weeks?

This challenge not only gets RESULTS, it has the power to bring about lasting TRANSFORMATION. Even after just one week, you will start to see changes!

 How do we know? Because our programme is tried and tested with proven results from countless women. Here's how you can expect to feel at the end of 6 weeks:


✅ look and feel fabulous -  physically healthier with more energy

✅ emotionally calmer and more in control - less reactive to external triggers

✅ feel much more comfortable in your own skin

✅  have renewed confidence and self-esteem 

✅  have a more positive mindset and approach to life

 ✅  be more connected with your vision for your future

 ✅  feel happier and more joyful

✅  feel ready to take on the world

✅  have fallen in love with YOU again

And it's all possible within six weeks!

Ready to feel like this? 

Count me in!

Joy P.

When I started Julie's transformation challenge, I was lost, and I didn't recognise myself anymore. I couldn't find a way out of the rut I was in. Since then, I have started to regain my self-belief. I've gone from merely existing to carving a life and schedule for me. I'm now a member of a campaign group, I go to art class and have re-discovered enjoyment in craft. 

 With a big birthday on the horizon, I've thrown myself into yoga, I'm about to embark on a menopause wellness retreat in Spain, and I've recently resumed 1:2:1 coaching with Julie. 

And it all started with this amazing Menopause Transformation challenge.❤️


Is this challenge for me?

If you answer yes to any of the following, then this challenge is for you:

✔️ Menopause is taking its toll on your physical and mental wellbeing

✔️ You're looking for results in a short space of time

✔️ You have an important event looming when you need to look and feel your best

✔️ You struggle to make changes on your own and prefer guidance and structure

✔️ You prefer a natural approach to health and wellbeing

✔️ You recognise the value of investment of investing in YOU and YOUR wellbeing

 I learned things about myself that blew me away

 "During the course of this challenge, I noticed a positive change in my mindset and self care which has continued long after the challenge, due to all the things I learned and put in place."

Aoife H

 You're not alone in this - the group calls are fabulous!

"This challenge opens you eyes to how small changes can make a great impact on your health and wellbeing. The Tracker keeps you going along with the group calls that show you're not on your own."

~ Stephanie T

 Go do it! Invest in yourself. It's worth every penny

"Investing in this transformation challenge will make you a better, healthier, happier you and help you create a vision for a more positive future."

~ Louise L

 “Our Menopause Transformation Challenge will take you on a journey of personal growth and self-discovery to find the very best version of you. Change starts with one small step. "

~ Julie Ann Garrido