Woman holding mobile phone showing Julie Ann Garrido teaching online menopause yoga

Why more women are choosing Online Menopause Yoga

Oct 29, 2023

Menopause can be like a wild rollercoaster ride for your body, mind, and emotions; and nothing emphasises the importance of self-care and holistic wellbeing than this transformative stage of life. Thankfully, menopause yoga has emerged as a lifeline for many women who wish to enjoy all the benefits of a natural solution that's designed to help alleviate menopause symptoms. However, more and more are choosing to practice online menopause yoga, so let's explore the benefits that this offers.

Practice online menopause yoga with experts

Classes for online menopause yoga are not just led not by yoga teachers, they're taught by menopause yoga experts too. Not only do they have special accreditation, they've been through menopause themselves, so they know exactly what you're going through. This means they can create classes that tackle all the common symptoms such as hot flashes, joint pain, sleep disturbances, pesky brain fog and more besides.

However, with only 700 certified menopause yoga teachers worldwide, finding these specialist classes can be like searching for a magic unicorn. Thankfully, online menopause yoga platforms such as My Yoga Journey now bring these experts right into your living room, no matter where in the world you are.

A flexible body and schedule

Menopause can make your energy levels as predictable as the weather forecast: one day you're full of beans, and the next, you're more like a comfy couch potato. Thankfully, online menopause yoga comes to the rescue. It's like yoga on your own terms and your own timetable, with no stress about sticking to a rigid schedule of in-person classes.

Online menopause yoga memberships like My Yoga Journey offer the perfect yoga style based on how you're feeling. Whether you’ve got some extra zing and want an energetic flow, or need a gentle, soothing practice to to help with sleep problems in menopause, or yoga to help with menopause joint pain, or even a simple 10 minute morning yoga sequence to ease your overnight aches and pains - online menopause yoga has got you covered.

This kind of personalised flexibility is all about embracing self-compassion and going with the flow - the exact same ethos that's  behind menopause yoga and the key to a happier and healthier yoga journey during menopause.

Online menopause yoga - variety is the spice of life

Online menopause yoga is like a gourmet buffet with an extensive menu of options. It's a bit like having your favourite yoga on speed dial with all the styles you could dream of. Online menopause yoga like My Yoga Journey is not a one trip pony. It includes the classics like Vinyasa - a gentle flow yoga - along with the super-chill styes of Yin and Restorative yoga which are perfect for days when you need a little extra TLC.

It also includes meditations like Yoga Nidra and Pranayama breathing practices to calm anxiety and overwhelm. All online menopause yoga in My Yoga Journey is categorised according to menopause symptoms too, so it’s quick and easy to find a class that resonates with your body and mind at any particular time.

Want to try online menopause yoga that involves no movement? Try this gentle restorative sequence that involves zero movement - perfect for those days when your tank is empty. 

Budget-friendly online menopause yoga classes

One of the standout advantages of online menopause yoga is its remarkable cost-effectiveness. Traditional yoga classes can soon make a dent in your wallet when you add up studio memberships, class fees, petrol, and parking costs.

However, the beauty of online menopause yoga is that an average monthly subscription rate won't break your bank, and can be the equivalent price of your favourite weekly latte. And some, like My Yoga Journey even offer  a 7 Day FREE free trial, so you can try before you buy.

Rewind & Replay

Online menopause yoga carries a secret weapon – recorded classes. These little gems are game-changers, especially for ladies going through menopause when the last thing you need is a set schedule.

With recorded classes, you can hit play when it suits you. Whether you’re an early bird or night owl, you’ve no need to worry about missing a live class or feel like you're always running late. You've got the power to pause, rewind, or fast forward.

The real magic? You can revisit the sessions you like as many times as you want. If a certain practice eased your joint pain or helped your brain fog, or gave you some emotional balance, just hit replay whenever you need it. This flexibility lets you create a yoga routine that simply dances to your tune.

Online menopause yoga offers increased Privacy and Comfort 

Online menopause yoga brings a whole new level of privacy and comfort, especially for ladies tackling menopause. Let's talk hot flashes. They're not just uncomfortable; they can make a surprise guest appearance when you least want them to, like in a packed yoga studio.

Online menopause yoga creates a cozy cocoon of privacy where you're the boss. You pick the room temperature, wear whatever keeps you most comfy when the heat wave hits, and you can take breaks whenever you want, without judgment.

Menopause can also bring some emotional twists and turns. However, with online menopause yoga, you've got a safe space to let those feelings out, whether you need a moment to centre yourself, take a breather, or even shed a tear or two. It’s your practice in your way.

Keep it Going

Life can get pretty chaotic during menopause so staying consistent with your yoga practice might seem like climbing a mountain. But one again, online menopause yoga has the answer.

It gives you the freedom to decide when and where you want to roll out your yoga mat. Whether it's yoga at the crack of dawn, during that peaceful afternoon lull, or as a way to unwind in the evening, you can match your practice with your mood, energy levels, and daily demands. So, if night sweats mess with your sleep or leave you feeling wiped out, no worries – you can tailor your practice accordingly.

Consistency is the secret sauce to unlock all those fantastic yoga benefits, especially during menopause and online menopause yoga gives you the freedom and ease to keep your yoga commitment alive.

Online menopause yoga on the go

Online menopause yoga is all about accessibility. This means you can stretch and flow from the comfort of your own space, be it in your home or anywhere else your suitcase takes you.

Traveling during menopause can be quite the adventure, but it messes with your routine and throws you into unfamiliar territory. Online menopause yoga makes this a breeze. All you need is an internet connection and a device, and you're good to go. My Yoga Journey comes with its very own App too, so whether you're in a hotel room, or staying with family, your online menopause yoga class is right at your fingertips.

Go at Your Own Pace with online menopause yoga

Menopause is like an adventure with a twist, bringing its unique set of challenges, both in body and mind. And in this journey, the keyword is 'listen' – to your body and to the need for self-compassion. Online menopause yoga takes the lead by creating the opportunity where you can practice at your own pace and avoid over doing it - something that’s super important during menopause.

In a traditional yoga class, it's easy to get swept up in the energy of the room, sometimes pushing yourself a bit too hard when you see others bending like pretzels. But the beauty of online menopause yoga is that you’re the boss of your mat, and there's zero pressure to match anyone else's performance. This is YOUR yoga journey, and it's all about what feels right for YOU.

Your very own menopause support group

Online menopause yoga also offers the benefits of a community. Menopause support groups such as Yoga for Menopause provide a community of women who are all on the same journey. They totally get what you're going through and are searching for relief from their symptoms with yoga.

In a community, you can chat with your fellow students, share your stories, offer a helping hand, or just receive the support you need, and get access to the teacher too. Great when you need help working on a particular pose, or when you need guidance for an injury or limitation.

In menopause, this community vibe and access to your teacher can be a real lifeline - the mental and emotional backup you need to stay strong during the ups and downs of menopause.

Online menopause yoga is perfect for yoga beginners

Online menopause yoga is like the red carpet for yoga newbies during menopause. This phase might sometimes make you feel self-conscious and the idea of joining a real-life class can be intimidating. Online yoga menopause, however, offers a cozy haven for beginners starting yoga at home to slowly wade into the waters of yoga. In this nurturing online space, beginners can confidently embark on their yoga journey, grabbing all the amazing physical and emotional benefits yoga brings during this important life chapter without having to face the fears of an in-person yoga class.

Online menopause yoga is the answer

In a nutshell, online menopause yoga is like the trusty sidekick you need during menopause. Whether you're just stepping onto the mat for the first time or you're a seasoned yogi, online menopause yoga offers a passport to a smoother, healthier, and more empowered journey through menopause.

But it needn’t be one or the other, it can be both. In an ideal world, a harmonious blend of online and in-person yoga classes is be the perfect recipe for navigating menopause. While online menopause yoga offers flexibility, accessibility, and privacy, an in-person class provides a sense of physical community, immediate instructor guidance, and an amazing group energy that can be truly uplifting. 

If you're new to yoga, access our FREE guide for beginners and learn how to set up your practice and get started on your yoga journey. Plus, enjoy a 7-day FREE trial in our popular online menopause yoga membership.

Join our very own online menopause yoga community, Yoga for Menopause, to enjoy free tips and advice, and meet women who are undergoing the same challenges. 

About Julie Ann Garrido: 


For over 30 years, Julie successfully ran her own PR company until her menopause symptoms took hold and turned her world upside down. Not only was she physically exhausted, she suffered with low moods, negative thinking, loss of confidence, self-limiting beliefs, and crippling anxiety. She became a person she no longer recognised and simply wanted to hide away.

Unhappy with a medical approach to menopause, she turned to yoga to alleviate her struggles, and at the age of 53, she found the natural solution she’s had been searching for.

After regularly practicing short bursts of yoga at home, she noticed that many of her symptoms were vanishing. She had more energy, she slept better, her confidence retuned, she felt more in control, and no longer hobbled around with joint pain.

Realising that menopausal women felt uncomfortable with their size and shape, and didn’t have the confidence to attend a yoga studio, she was determined to bring online menopause yoga to their homes - yoga that would easily fit into busy schedules, and that would take women on a journey to wellbeing and transformation in menopause. Moreover, she wanted women to enjoy a natural menopause like she did.

Julie developed My Yoga Journey, a platform for women to access affordable, beginner-friendly online menopause yoga from the sanctuary of their own homes.

The success of My Yoga Journey is nothing short of astonishing. As well as introducing online menopause yoga to countless women who have significantly improved their symptoms, it's helped them transform their lives as a result of their new-found confidence and energy.

My mission is simple: I want every woman to know that there’s an effective natural solution for menopause. It doesn’t have to be HRT.

~ Julie Ann Garrido